Monday, June 8, 2009

God Winks

God winks. You know, moments when He affirms that He is here, watching over us.

Throughout the past 9 months, I have noticed them more and more. Perhaps He realizes that in this season I need them more, or maybe I am seeking Him more and recognizing them as Him more than before when I would have passed them off as happenstance.

Throughout the process of getting Quinn, I have felt strongly that this was our call. He ordained us to parent this child well before the foundations of the earth. I have questioned many times in recent months whether or not we should proceed - because of Billy's shaky employment. Each time I feel Him quietly reminding me to trust Him.

We do not have any extra income right now. Every penny we have- and then some- is spoken for. The financial implications of travel to Ohio had not even been thought about. I have focused most of my prayers on Quinn's transition into the family. After all, we have a credit card to absorb the expenses - ie hotel, food while traveling, gas. We had not specifically prayed at all for financial assistance, just figured it would all work out - and God winked. We received a total of $580 and $40 in gas cards from various people, and used some of my dad's points for part of our hotel. Family sent some, my sister-in-laws bible study group sent some, and we got an anonymous letter from someone in my sister-in law's church with some. We didn't even ask, and God winked. He sent us enough money to cover our trip - almost to the penny.

Revelation Song happens to be Billy's favorite song right now. He has never been a fan of Christian radio, but I think he keeps my radio in the kitchen tuned to WDJC just so he won't miss it if it comes on. When we sing this song in church, it moves him to his feet and has almost prompted him to raise his hands (it should be noted that we are not hand raisers) in worship of the mighty God we serve.

On the very short trip to the courthouse on Friday, we had the radio tuned to a Christian station. One of about 3 stations you can get in the big metropolis of Tiffin and even it wasn't coming in well. Guess what? Revelation Song came on. He looked at me and said "Are you kidding me." We both got chills. God winked.

More updates on the transition to come. Our internet isn't working well, so I haven't turned on my computer and Billy has been hogging his tonight. We are well and falling more in love everyday.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
1 Peter 5:6


Melanie Evans said...

love to hear how the Lord is encouraging you guys--so fun to see how He shows up in our lives! I hope to see you at church and meet the new little guy. continuing to pray for you all.

Melanie S. from ompc

Tracy P said...

I'm w/ Billy on Revelation Song-lovin it!
My SS class is chomping for pics of the sweet baby Quinn...we have been praying for months for you guys and are so happy he's finally with yall-shaky finances or not-you were chosen to be there for him...God knows what he is doing...I know that every morning when I kiss my sweet sweet (and sometimes NOT so sweet) boy!

Kim said...

What a precious post and reminder of how God is ever present when we tune in and listen. I am so excited to read and catch up on your journey to Quinn. Please email me anytime. Blessings, Kim