Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Weekend at Mimi and PawPaw's

The six of us traveled to Atlanta to visit Billy's mom and step dad for the weekend. I am always tentative to leave home, because there is always things to do around here, but we enjoyed a much needed relaxing time with family. Billy's mom has a pool, so we spent most of our time in the water or in my case on the deck enjoying the sun. Anna Beth is a fish and has been swimming since she was 2 1/2. Ben kicked around the pool with floaties, Abe floated in a crab, and Merrie Cannon (my prissy little girl) put her toes in and then went in to play with her babies. When asked if she wanted to swim she would snarl her little nose and say "It's too cold." We also got to spend time with Billy's brother Scott's family. Scott and his wife Alison have 2 children - Will is 5 weeks older than my Ben and Emily is 2 weeks younger than Merrie Cannon. It is so much fun seeing the cousins together! Will and Ben exchanged "potty*" words (apparently this normal for 4 year old boys) and MC and Emily had a joint birthday celebration. Scott is an amazing musician and decided to enter the ministry full time last fall. Little did anyone know that God would lead them to California, what an exciting time for them! We love you guys! (I, selfishly, am going to try and pray them to Middle Tennessee) *potty words in this case are not curse words, just words that you wish children would reserve for the bathroom

Anna Beth the Fish

Abe's Fauxhawk

Ben and Will ready for the pool
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mimi said...

Jerry finally showed me how to respond to your blog! How great! I had no idea you were so talented in your writing along with everything else...The pictures are wonderful! I miss you all. Tell Anna Beth that she was right about the fist being pregnant. We've counted up to 25-30 little ones. I have no idea what to do with them other than...well, you know. Thanks for sharing! love you!

mimi said...

fist??? I meant fish. That will teach me to check my spelling from now on...