Well, here we are doing what we will do almost everyday all summer...going to the pool. We joined the local recreation center which has a beach entry pool. It's great for the little ones. They absolutely love it, and are turning blonde and tan already!
Two milestones were met this week at the Ivey home. Merrie Cannon is potty trained and Abe is walking. For the first time in over 3 years I went to Target for my bi-monthly necessities trip and bought diapers for....1 child. YIPPEE!!! MC turned 3 the beginning of the month, and she has been changing her own pull-up (without being told) for about 4 months. Everytime I would try to get her to potty she would cry. I don't mean whine a little, I mean crocodile tears. Given the fact that she goes to preschool, is in the nursery at church, etc. during the school year I haven't really pushed, but this week was going to be "the week." School's out, no Wednesday night church, no bible study, I was determined to make it happen this week. Well, lo and behold, she just started
going all by herself. So check that off the list.
Abe has also started walking. He was 16 months old yesterday, so I was starting
to get a little worried. (All of the others walked between 10 and 13 months.) I was
also tired of wincing as he crawled across the aggregate driveway - the skinned
knees didn't bother him a bit. He has replaced skinned knees with a bruise on
his chin, bruise under his eye, and a fat lip. These injuries, however, did bring a tear
or two!
All this to say, I'm a little sad. I guess God let them stay babies a little longer to protect my heart. It's been kind of like when they learn to swing themselves. I remember longing for that when Anna Beth and Ben were small and trying to teach them to swing. Then one day its "Hey look mom, I can do it myself!" My heart sank and suddenly there is something else I am not needed for anymore. But that is what parenting is all about. Teaching your kids to be independent and do for themselves. Its just hard to let go sometimes.
About not feeling needed...I just got a call from Anna Beth, she stayed in Atlanta with Billy's mom. She is my child who would rather be anywhere that home. Poor baby has a stomach bug and through tears asked me to please come get her. My heart sank...It's 10 pm and I can't. I want to, but it's at least a 4 hour drive. I know she will be well taken care of (probably better than here, considering she has no competition there, and she would be 1 of 4 here). I guess there are always times when you just need your momma.
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