Monday, January 26, 2009

The Truth Shall Set You Free

I started a job as the part-time preschool ministry director at our church a few months ago. This week we have our missions conference and I am in charge of, well, the preschool programming. Since we have different volunteers in the classrooms each night, I am doing our Bible Story/Missions Moment time. We had a few more kids that we expected tonight, so I had to add a classroom and shuffle some kids around to even out the numbers. I was then scrambling to get my stuff and get to the room to tell the story, but I made it and thought things went well despite my frenzied state.

When we got in the car to come home, Billy asked Merrie Cannon if Mama had done a good job telling the story. She answered, "No, she forgot her Bible."

1 comment:

Heather said...

BAH haha HAAAAH! I just really laughed hard.I love it. Straight outta the mouths of babes.

I can only imagine how tired you must be,but you are doing a great job! We are so glad to be helping out...yall make it so much fun. Glad I didn't almost herd your child home with us tonight! Hope you get some rest...see you later!