Sunday, January 18, 2009

W is for Worm

Each week a student in Ben's class is assigned the letter can. If it's your week with the letter can, you send in something for each child in the class that begins with the letter that they are studying for the week. For example, when it was Z week, I sent Zebra cakes for everyone. Last week's letter was W. Ben and I had discussed what he would take and he decided that gummy worms were a good choice. I forgot all about said "can" until late Wednesday night, and since it is COLD here in 'Bama, I put off going to the store until Thursday morning. Since we were running late on Thursday, I nixed the idea of going to the grocery store and decided I would run in the gas station so I could...leave my kids in the car (gasp). As we are walking out the door, Ben and I discuss getting the worms and he has a minor freak out. You see Gummy Worms start with the Guh, Guh, Guh and he was studying Wuh, Wuh, Wuh. I calmed him and told him that they would be fine, blah, blah, blah. Wouldn't you know this was all I could find...

If anyone tells him - I'll deny it. And anyway, how can you take someone who sometimes dresses like this seriously?

If you tell him boys don't wear tights, he will quickly tell you that yes, they do. Superheroes wear tights, and these are Anna Beth's orange tights with black cats on them, oh, I'm sorry did I type that? These are Superhero tights and Ben is ready to battle all evils that enhabit the earth.
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Heather said...

oH my gosh, Bethany! That is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long long time! We must have taken the same parenting classes...leaving the kids in the car, (after all they are safer locked in there than running a-muck in the parking lot)waiting til the last minute to bring the "letter of the day snack"...scratching the grocery store for gas station on the way to school and only finding "cuh cuh" catipillars instead!.....How very funny! Love the supper hero tights...they are so much more powerful with bats on them! :)

allison said...

I LOVE this picture!!! So funny...I wish I could have seen him dressed like this!

robyn blaikie collins said...

seriously! this is genius. thanks for writing it... and showing it... wow. cant wait to hang out with you.