Wednesday, April 15, 2009


On Easter Sunday, I decided to do something fun with the preschool kids at church. During the first service we had an Easter egg hunt and made Resurrection rolls. To make resurrection rolls, you roll a marshmallow in the middle of a crescent roll and then bake them. We talked about how the crescent roll represented the tomb that Jesus was placed in, and the marshmallow was Jesus. The marshmallow is white, because Jesus was without sin and when He takes away our sin he makes us white too. You bake the rolls, and the marshmallow disappears leaving a hole in the crescent roll - an empty tomb - and white remnants of the marshmallow that represent the cloth His body was wrapped in. When I asked the classes where Jesus was, the overwhelming majority exclaimed "He rose again." However, in one of the classes a little boy looked at me and said...."He melted."
Easter service at OMPC was really neat, too. The sermon and worship were great, but Billy was recently filmed while talking about a blog post he wrote a while ago. The video was played on Sunday morning as a part of the service with "Prince of Peace" playing in the background. You can see the video (without music) by clicking here.

Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Romans 6:4

**Just as a side note, Anna Beth is wearing the Easter dress my mom made for me when I was in the 5th grade.

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