Friday, April 17, 2009

My Day...Before Noon per Billy

"I called my bride a few minutes ago. First of all, she was frustrated because it had taken an hour to get the clothes from the laundry basket into the washer. The kitchen was cleaned this morning, but somehow there were dishes on the table, counter and sink. She couldn't find any clean underwear. Abe was crying because he was in time out for biting Ben, who was crying because of the bite, but also because Mom wouldn't let him wear cut-off shorts and a purple shirt, "because even though we are close to it, we're not homeless, yet, dadgummit!" Anna Beth was yelling at Ben because he was crying too loud (because of the bite, which was now bleeding, but also because of the aforementioned redneck costume) and she was trying to hear the TV... and Merrie Cannon was saying, "Mama... Mama... Mama... Mama... Mama... Mama..." over and over and over again while standing at her feet and bouncing up and down.

Correction - Cut-offs would have been a welcome change to what Ben had on.

We finally got out the door so I could run by work and then take them to the park. I have never felt like I "needed" a break, but the past two weeks have been challenging. Don't feel sorry for me, I am going on the women's retreat at the beach next week. Wouldn't you know I'll be gone for Kindergarten registration and the school Spring Fling - good luck Billy.

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