Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Time for a haircut?

Guess who this sweet baby in pink and a bow is?
Dadgum, he would have been a pretty girl!

I have been flip flopping this entire election year as to who to vote for. I typically vote Republican. Most of my life because that's how my dad did, but lately because it fits us a family due to our tax bracket. We fall into the not enough money to give it to the government to fund its programs, too much to take advantage of any of the programs. We are middle class (I guess).

Barak Obama intrigues me. I like him. He is a charasmatic speaker, passionate politician, and has a great success story. He appeals to the idealist in me. The part that wants no war, no one to be hungry, equal rights, etc. I think the other part of me that likes him is because of the flack that ignorant conservative christians have given him. By the way, I am a fairly conservative christian although I don't consider myself ignorant. I have gotten NUMEROUS e-mails forwarded about him being muslim, his African roots, even some that have alluded to racism. All have enfuriated me. Big deal, he's got African heritage. Last time I checked none of the other candidates were native Americans. The almost passive aggressive racist subleties sent blood rushing to my face in anger. About the Muslim stuff...if you read his testimony he walked down an aisle and accepted Jesus as his Saviour. Big deal if he was a Muslim. Christians should be praising God that he was converted (that is if indeed he was a Muslim to begin with).

After the first two days of the RNC, I was thinking he might be my guy. I was not thrilled with the choice of VP, don't know why just shocked and not really excited. The RNC has been BORING up until tonight, and quite frankly I would (still) rather hear Obama over McCain for the next 4 years. But, I was reminded by Palin why I am a Republican.

Taxes. That's why. My husband owns his own brand new small business and it wouldn't be good for him to be taxed more.

Big government. That's why. Many, many people think we the government should take care of everyone - here and elsewhere. Many Christians support Obama for this reason. He has a humanitarian heart and platform. As a country, I believe Biblically we have a resposibility to do this. But, where is the burden of the people? The logic is, pay more taxes to take care of those in need. I say get off your paycheck or bonus and do something for those in need. How many of us (me included) live in nice houses, drive nice cars, eat more than we should, throw away left overs, and give very little to those who have nothing? I think that the Democratic view lets the government take control of taking care of the least of these, when it should be our responsibility as Christians.

The war. Do I agree with us going there, um probably not. Fact is, we are there and if we don't at least try to clean up the mess we may be in for it.

I still haven't totally made up my mind, but I like Palin. Maybe its because I am a mother of 4. Maybe its because she is normal - She has a child going to Iraq, she has a pregnant daughter, she has a baby with down syndrome, she has a working class husband. These are real things that real people deal with. She added excitment to the convention, and reminded me why I vote Republican.

At the end of the day, I really do like both candidates and think either would make a good president. I believe that, while Washington does affect us on a small scale, its up to us to make change if we want it.

I am so not political and can't believe I am posting this, so please show a little mercy if you want to blast me!


Anonymous said...

well all I'm saying is a I have a the BIGGEST crush on Sarah Palin...that whole "hot for teacher" look...LOVE IT!! And I love her whole cute little family...that sweet little Willow licking her hands and wiping baby Trig's hair so sweet!!!!
I know I make light...I do actually have real thoughts and opinions about politics...but I just cannot get over how cool Sarah P is!!!

Anonymous said...

McCain mischaracterized Obama’s health care plan:

McCain Said: His plan will force small businesses to cut jobs, reduce wages, and force families into a government run health care system where a bureaucrat stands between you and your doctor.

The claim that “small businesses” would have to “cut jobs, reduce wages,” runs counter to Obama’s actual proposal. Obama’s plan would require businesses to contribute to the cost of insurance for employees or pay some unspecified amount into a new public plan. But his proposal specifically says, “Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement.” And it offers additional help to small businesses that want to provide health care in the form of a refundable tax credit of up to half the cost of premiums. We’ll note that neither man has defined what exactly a “small business” is.

I think Billy will fall under small business.

Charlotte said...

A beautifully written piece - I honestly didnt know you had it in you - Agree w/ a lot of your thoughts, disagree w/ many too but so impressed by your way of expressing yourself! Well done my dear friend! xoxoox p.s. I REALLY like Sarah too. She just gets it.