So...Here goes the weekend recap.
Last week was filled with packing, a few trips to the pool, packing, church, packing, you get the idea. I was in Birmingham on Sunday for my cousins baby shower and a birthday/send off for my other cousin who joined the Army. I stayed until Monday to get AB registered at her new school. As I was beginning my Monday morning Billy called to tell me his tooth was hurting really bad. He has already gotten a crown, which didn't help and led to a root canal, which didn't help which led to severe pain. He needed me home so he could go to the dentist, so I rushed through the day and raced home so he could get yet another root canal. This one worked. He had a temporary crown put back on, and was waiting for his permanent one.
Friday night we were getting everything together for our yard sale. Billy left to get change for our customers the next day. He was in Kroger saying, "I need a roll of quarters, 30 1's, 6 5's," he stops and says "Excuse me" turns around and spits HIS TOOTH out, puts it in his pocket and continues...Yes folks, his crown fell off. Can you believe it?! The two root canal crown fell off! He comes home and calls the dentist at home and is to be at the dentist office the Saturday morning at 9 am.
We got up early and greeted our first customers and sold lots of stuff before Billy got ready to go to the dentist.
Remember the car that wouldn't crank? Guess what....It won't crank again. So he takes my car to the dentist and gets his crown put back on, comes home and begins trying to figure out what to do with his car.
I, in the meantime, am managing 4 kids, lots of customers and humidity. I was amazed at the turnout. No advertising, only a directional signs from the entrance to our neighborhood. I finally threw in the towel at 11 am. The baby was tired and ready for lunch, I was alone, and all our "good" stuff was gone and we had made $150. Not bad for the minimal work we did.
My brother is coming to take some things to my mom's house in Birmingham, so he gets to help figure out what is wrong with the car. Battery tests fine, alternator tests fine, starter fails test. So they put a new starter in and guess what? Car still won't crank. Today Billy gets a new battery and the car is cranking (for the time being) fine.
When it rains it pours right? I am trying to be thankful (I'll post on that tomorrow) and dance in the rain, even though most of the time I don't feel like it these days.
We lit a candle and had Kroger cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday tonight with the kids.
Happy Birthday Billy! I hope you enjoy your starter, car battery, and paid dental bills.
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