Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dancing in the Rain

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessolonians 5:18

This is what God tells us about being thankful. I'm not so sure thankful is how I have viewed life the past few weeks - or maybe even the past year. It's been a tough year for us.

I find it easy to be thankful for the big things that come unexpectedadly, you know, like bonus checks. But during the past year those big things have been few and far between. I have not been very thankful given our current situation, and even though I am reminded daily that "All things work to the good of those who serve Him*," it's hard. My attitude has been more like, really God? How does a house being on the market for a year work to my good? How is a moving my daughter again working for my good? How is having my husband away from his family working for my good? And quietly I am reminded 2 things.

1) He is the same. Regardless of where I am, how big or small my house is, whether or not my car cranks, He is not changing. Wow - what a big thing to be able to rest on!
2) Give thanks. This came to me in Lowe's on Thursday night. I have never had any kind of God thoughts while in Lowe's. (Most of the time my thoughts are far from God thoughts, because we are there to replace or fix something broken.) I was looking for the boxes, because we needed a few more big, really sturdy ones. I stop to ask an associate where they are and he tells me he has moving boxes in his garage that they want rid of. He immediately gives me his address, cell phone numbers, and tries to call his wife to tell her I would be by to pick them up. (I have 3 of 4 kids with me so I looked harmless.) He couldn't get a hold of his wife, so I told him I would call and get them on Friday. I believe that God put him in my path. Of all the people who worked at Lowe's I get the guy with moving boxes in his garage! I realized then that I should be thankful. Thank you for putting this man in my path. I need to be thankful for the little things, because I believe that even when our worlds are crashing we can find something to be thankful for. Here are few of mine....

  • Free moving boxes.
  • A second car when the first won't crank.
  • My brother being here this weekend to help with the afflicted car.
  • Uneventful well check-ups for my kids.
  • Wonderful neighbors (I am lucky enough to have them here and in Birmingham).

I'm wasting time when I should be packing, and I think I have shared my heart. Recently on my facebook a friend sent me a piece of flair that said "Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness never danced in the rain." That pretty much sums it up for me. Being thankful in the hard times is like dancing in the rain.

*Romans 8:28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post! With all that has been going on with Mom, I have definetly been learning to "Dance in the Rain"! Can't wait for you to be back in Birmingham. I am ready to babysit. Love y'all