Monday, August 11, 2008

Just a random update.

All day things happen that I want to blog about, and everytime I sit down at the computer my mind goes blank. Here's the short of whats going on...

So, I am still getting unpacked. The roaches are dying and I am seeing fewer and fewer Praise the Lord! The weather has been incredible the past few days. It seems that everytime we move, the weather does crazy things. Last summer when we went to Nashville, we experienced the 100+ degree heat wave. We come to Birmingham and have highs in the 80s and next to no humidity (very, very unusual for August here). We'll take the latter over the former anyday!

Anna Beth is LOVING school - which is such a blessing. I miss having her to help out at home during the day and doing the fun stuff with us, but she is completely enjoying being at school.

Ben, MC, Abe and I are enjoying the outside and neighborhood park while the weather is nice. They are also enduring the countless trips to Wal-Mart and Home Depot to get things for the house.

The house is great. I was not looking forward to downsizing 800 square feet, but it has been good. I think I like a smaller house better. The kids don't know the difference, and it is forcing us (parents) to be more involved as a family. Since there is no playroom, the only TV is in the den. We are doing more together since I can't just send them to the playroom anymore.

I went to our old church on Sunday and it was great. I absolutely love, love, love our pastor's preaching style and was so looking forward to hearing him. Wouldn't you know he was out of town.

One of my pet peeves is people at church not being welcoming and nice. I realize we are human and have bad days, but it seems to happen to me all the time. We were looking for a Sunday school class at our church in Nashville and had decided to visit one. The class was small and everyone looked at us like we were lost when we walked in. So here I am at our old church, excited to be there, and not knowing where I was going because they have redone the whole darn thing. I got the kids (I only had 2 of them with me and Billy was out of town) settled and go searching for the sanctuary. There were signs but I didn't see one pointing in that direction. I try to follow the music and end up down a hallway and realize the music is getting softer and I don't know where I am, so I ask someone for help. She looks at me like I have a big booger and says "up the stairs" almost with a roll of the eyes. Are you kidding me? I have been treated better asking where the Gap is at the mall. It's a good thing I wasn't a first time visitor - what kind of impression would I have of the church if I was?

I was also caught in a bind when I had to sign the attendance book. There is a place for visitors and a place for members. Although I haven't been at the church in 2 1/2 years, we have never moved our membership elsewhere. We haven't stayed anywhere long enough to join a church, so I pondered a while and signed in as a member, because technically I still am (even though I did park in visitor parking - just thought of that).

We go meet the 3 younger kids teachers Wednesday. I am a little apprehensive about where they are going to Pre-school/MDO just because I know nothing about it - they just had space for all 3 this late in the summer and Ben didn't have to go 5 days a week.

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